Oilvac 300

The latest addition to the Oil & Chips family, combining elements of the 200 and 450 versions into a unique and innovative machine.
This three-phase industrial vacuum cleaner for oil and shavings originates from the structure of the suction bucket, to separate, reuse or dispose oil mixed with metal shavings. It features a 65lt metal chip hopper and a capacious 300lt tank make the vacuum cleaner suitable for cleaning and maintenance of medium and large CNC machines or multiple machines without the need to empty the storage tank each time.
The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 4 kW power turbine and has a second fine separation stage with regenerable or disposable filter elements with different filtration efficiencies.

Vacuum cleaner with powerful three-phase side channel turbine with a power of 4kW suitable for continuous service 24h/7 and suitable for the suction and filtration of large quantities of liquids, chips and sludge. Rotating suction nozzle to facilitate the use of the suction hose.

Equipped with a hydro-leophobic class M pocket filter and 300 micron PPL filter for oils.

The collection unit has an overall capacity of 365 liters, 300 liters for liquids, 65 liters for solids.
The bucket is equipped with an electric float to stop the suction when the container of liquids is full.
The frame is designed for lifting by forklift.

Data sheet

Detailed specifications and technical data. Download the complete technical data sheet to always have all the information at hand.

Download the Data sheet
Oilvac 300
Voltage400 - 50 3~ V - Hz
Power4 kW
Max waterlift3.600 mmH2O
Max air flow320 m³/h
Suction inlet50 mm
Primary filterStar
Surface - Diameter14.000 cm² - 420 mm
Weight275 kg

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