W2 AIR-EX 1/2D – ATEX certified industrial compressed air vacuum cleaner

With dual ATEX certification, for zones 20 inside and 21 outside the vacuum cleaner, antistatic filters and absolute filter as standard, the W2 AIREX 1/2D becomes theATEX certified industrial compressed air vacuum cleaner ideal for efficiently and safely removing dust, solids and gases in high explosion hazard areas. Power is provided by a powerful, maintenance-free 7- or 14-nozzle Venturi unit with an outstanding ratio of air consumption to performance, perfect for continuous, heavy-duty applications.

Power is provided by a powerful Venturi unit with 7 or 14 nozzles, without the need for maintenance, with an exceptional ratio between air consumption and performance, perfect for continuous and heavy-duty applications.

Double level of bag filtration for dust and liquids and H14 absolute filter to guarantee maximum filtration efficiency.

The AISI 304 stainless steel release container with a capacity of 60 liters is placed on a wheeled structure which makes emptying the vacuumed material easy.

Data sheet

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W2 AIR-EX 1/2D – ATEX certified industrial compressed air vacuum cleaner
Max waterlift3.700 mmH2O
Max air flow150 - 300 m³/h
Suction inlet50 mm
Primary filterStar
Surface - Diameter420 cm²
Capacity50 lt.
Weight50 kg

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