W 2 Infini ATEX – ATEX certified industrial vacuum cleaner for continuous work

This ATEX-certified industrial vacuum cleaner features a high antistatic filtration surface with a convenient built-in manual cleaning system, grounding, and a powerful single-phase or three-phase side channel turbine. Everything you need for safe cleaning and suction of dust and liquids in hazardous environments.
The W 2 Infini ATEX industrial vacuum cleaner is suitable for working in explosion-hazardous areas, such as workshops, chemical laboratories, food laboratories, metal processing industries or craft workshops.

Its size? Extremely small, 55x63x130 cm! Made of industrial steel, its extreme strength, compactness and power are features appreciated by those who need a powerful and efficient wheeled vacuum cleaner.
Everything you need for safe cleaning and suction of dust and liquids in hazardous environments.


Data sheet

Detailed specifications and technical data. Download the complete technical data sheet to always have all the information at hand.

Download the Data sheet
W 2 Infini ATEX – ATEX certified industrial vacuum cleaner for continuous work
Voltage230 - 50 1~/400 - 50 ~ 3 V - Hz
Power1.8 kW
Max waterlift1.800 mmH2O
Max air flow250 m³/h
Suction inlet50 mm
Primary filterStar
Surface - Diameter20.000 cm² - 420 mm
Capacity40 lt.
Dimensions63 x 58 x 130h
Weight59-60 kg

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